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Cacaosuyo Cuzco 100% 純黑朱古力 Peru Chuncho 100 Dark Chocolate

HKD 75.00




屢獲國際朱古力獎項的朱古力品牌 Cacaosuyo 出品 Produced by Cacaosuyo, multiple International Chocolate Awards Winner 100% 秘魯 Chuncho 可可 Single origin Chuncho Bean 100% from Quillabamba Valley, Cuzco, Perú 唯一食材:得獎無數的秘魯 Chuncho可可 屢獲國際朱古力獎項的朱古力品牌 Cacaosuyo 出品 Produced by Cacaosuyo, multiple International Chocolate Awards Winner 頂級品質可可產自秘魯馬丘比丘下之庫斯科 Quillabamba山谷 無糖 Sugar-free 零添加 Zero additives 純素 Vegan 天然甘味、順滑 "Naturally high-percentage of cocoa butter in the bean, making this a creamy dark delicious, one-ingredient 100% chuncho bar."




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因衛生考慮,已售出貨品不設退貨退款。本店於出貨前會檢查貨品,確保完好無選。 For hygiene and safety consideration, no return or exchange for all food merchandise sold. We will check the goods before delivery to ensure the packages are in good condition. 如貨品有缺陷或損壞(並非貴客錯失),或商品並非貴客所訂購,或交付數量不正確,可於收貨日期的 7 天內更換或退回。惟須 1)商品的包裝保持於交付予貴客時的狀態 2)提供有缺陷或損壞貨品照片予本店,電郵love.lowcarba1c@gmail.com Only if the goods are faulty, damaged (with no fault on customer’s part), or the goods are not what you ordered, or the delivery is of an incorrect quantity, the sold goods can be exchanged or returned, provided that: the goods are unused and kept in the condition originally sold and delivered to customer, together with all bags and packages customer provides photo(s) of the damaged goods to our email: love.lowcarba1c@gmail.com


Cacaosuyo Cuzco 100 單一產地秘魯100% 純黑朱古力 70克
Cacaosuyo Cuzco100% Peru Chuncho Dark Chocolate 70g

Bean to Bar 秘魯Chuncho單一品種、單一產地 
Single Origin Chuncho Cacao from Cuzco, Peru

屢獲國際朱古力獎項的朱古力品牌 Cacaosuyo 出品
Produced by Cacaosuyo, multiple International Chocolate Awards Winner

頂級品質可可產自秘魯馬丘比丘下之庫斯科 Quillabamba山谷

In the Cuzco región, we find our “Chuncho” cacao which grows in the Quillabamba Valley below Machu Picchu. Experience the freshness of a cacao that brings a naturally high-percentage of cocoa butter in the bean, making this a creamy dark delicious, one-ingredient 100% chuncho bar.

無糖 Sugar-free
零添加 Zero additives
純素 Vegan 

低醣. 生酮. 純素. 無糖  Lowcarb, Keto, Vegan, No added sugar

糖尿病人適食 Diabetic-frienly

強抗氧化、愉悅賀爾蒙、減壓 Anti-oxidant, anti-stress hormones, enhance blood circulation 

提高胰島素敏感度 (降低餐後血糖),有助心血管、腦及情緒健康 

豐富鎂、鋅、鐵、銅、鉀、維他命B及E  Rich in magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, potassium, vitamin B & E 

更多 Bean to Bar 100% 純黑精品朱古力 :
More Bean to Bar premium 100% dark chocolate bar :
FRIIS HOLM La Dalia 100% 精品純黑朱古力 Only$38  國際朱古力大獎得主

Belize Black organic 100% 有機純黑朱古力 Only$38
Feitoria do Cacao SALOMAO 100% Dark Chocolate 100% 純黑朱古力
Kaitxo Specialty Chocolate Ecuador 100% 厄瓜多爾單一品種純黑朱古力 減價中!



黃烷醇 (Flavanols) : 抗氧化成份,促進血液流向大腦及心臟、預防血栓形成、減少細胞損壞及發炎。提升細胞對胰島素的敏感度,令餐後血糖更佳。

色氨酸及血清素 (Tryptophan and Serotonin) : 令人感覺放鬆和幸福。

可可鹼 (Theobromine) : 有助血管舒張,增加血流量。

花生四烯乙醇胺 (Anandamide) :  有「幸福分子」之稱,刺激大腦中的愉悅受體,並提升動力。

苯乙胺 (Phenylethylamine) :  有「愛情賀爾蒙」之稱,刺激大腦釋放多巴胺,產生愉悅感受。

黃嘌呤 (Xanthine): 增加大腦的同類天然興奮物質,有提神效果,緩減哮喘及氣管症狀。


https://www.cgmh.org.tw/cgmn/category.asp?id_seq=1604162 (台灣長庚醫院)

https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/cocoa-sweet-treat-brain-201502057676 (哈佛大學)

https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/food-features/dark-chocolate/ (哈佛大學)

#精品可可  #精品朱古力 #100DarkChocolate #SugarFreeChocolate #BeantoBar
