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FRIIS HOLM La Dalia 100% 精品純黑朱古力 Sugar-free Chocolate Awards Winner



100% Bean to Bar Dark Chocolate 25g 100% Bean to Bar 精品純黑朱古力 25克 尼加拉瓜高品質可可豆,丹麥金獎品牌FRIIS HOLM 製作 Premium Nicaragua cacao, made by chocolatier-chef FRIIS HOLM, Denmark 多項國際朱古力獎 Multiple International Chocolate Awards 無糖、零添加、純素、生酮, Sugar-free, Zero additives, Vegan, Keto 糖尿病人適食 Diabetic-friendly


100% Bean to Bar Dark Chocolate 25g
100% Bean to Bar  精品純黑朱古力 25克

尼加拉瓜高品質可可豆,丹麥金獎品牌FRIIS HOLM 製作
Premium native cacao varietals  from Nicaragua, produced by chocolatier-chef Mikkel Friis-Holm in Denmark 

直接跟可可農購買可可豆,並參與發酵過程。 Direct trade with cacao individual farmers in Nicaragua, connecting local people and land. Work with farmers for best  fermentation. 

可可烤烘及朱古力製作則於FRIIS HOLM 工坊自家處理。 The fermented cacao beans are roasted and produced  in FRIIS HOLM in Denmark to achieve the best chocolate quality.
多項國際朱古力獎 Multiple International Chocolate Awards
無糖、零添加、純素、生酮, Sugar-free, Zero additives, Vegan, Keto
糖尿病人適食 Diabetic-friendly 


Friis-Holm Chocolate is an artisanal company who operates through an agrarian perspective in tune with sustainable values: micro ecology of place, single origin native cacao varietals and  a direct trade model. The company is based in Denmark where Mikkel Friis-Holm and his family live and manage the business.

The chocolate is an expression of the relation between native varietals, land and culture in place. Just as a winemaker values the terroir for his wine, we seek to expose the value of terroir for cacao. Our ongoing pursuit is to merge this connection and therefore create a truly unique and delicious experience of chocolate.

Friis-Holm chocolate is part of an international body called Direct Cacao, an interdisciplinary grassroots organization that brings together people in the chocolate and cacao domain from farmers to chocolate makers and journalists. This body collectively supports directly sourced and ecologically cultivated fine cacao. Mikkel Friis-Holm is a co-founder who chairs for improving trading models within the structure.

Friis-Holm手藝朱古力品牌從農業角度的可持續範疇下營運,包括地區的生態學、單品種可可及直接貿易模式。公司位於丹麥,創辦人Mikkel Friis-Holm與家人在此地方工作及居住。  直接跟農夫購買可可豆,連結當地風土及人情 ,就像釀酒師從風土衝量其酒,尋求展示風土在可可上的價值。我們不停地追尋這種關聯,以致創造出真正獨一而美味的朱古力。

Friis-Holm朱古力是一個名叫「直接可可」(Direct Cacao)國際團體的一份子;這誇越性組織連繫於朱古力及可可豆範疇的農民、朱古力製造商及新聞工作者參與其中。同時,它亦支持直接採購及具生態學栽培優秀可可。Mikkel Friis-Holm是創辦人之一,負責在團體架構下促進貿易模式。

更多 Bean to Bar 100% 純黑精品朱古力 :
More Bean to Bar premium 100% dark chocolate bar :
Cacaosuyo Cuzco 100% 純黑朱古力 Peru Chuncho 100 Dark Chocolate 國際朱古力大獎得主

Belize Black organic 100% 有機純黑朱古力 Only$38
Feitoria do Cacao SALOMAO 100% Dark Chocolate 100% 純黑朱古力
Kaitxo Specialty Chocolate Ecuador 100% 厄瓜多爾單一品種純黑朱古力



黃烷醇 (Flavanols) : 抗氧化成份,促進血液流向大腦及心臟、預防血栓形成、減少細胞損壞及發炎。提升細胞對胰島素的敏感度,令餐後血糖更佳。

色氨酸及血清素 (Tryptophan and Serotonin) : 令人感覺放鬆和幸福。

可可鹼 (Theobromine) : 有助血管舒張,增加血流量。

花生四烯乙醇胺 (Anandamide) :  有「幸福分子」之稱,刺激大腦中的愉悅受體,並提升動力。

苯乙胺 (Phenylethylamine) :  有「愛情賀爾蒙」之稱,刺激大腦釋放多巴胺,產生愉悅感受。

黃嘌呤 (Xanthine): 增加大腦的同類天然興奮物質,有提神效果,緩減哮喘及氣管症狀。


https://www.cgmh.org.tw/cgmn/category.asp?id_seq=1604162 (台灣長庚醫院)

https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/cocoa-sweet-treat-brain-201502057676 (哈佛大學)

https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/food-features/dark-chocolate/ (哈佛大學)

#精品可可  #精品朱古力 #100DarkChocolate #SugarFreeChocolate #BeantoBar
