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西班牙優質墨汁浸BB魷魚 Ramon Peña Stuffed Baby Squid in Ink



生酮、無麩質、無添加 品質上盛之西班牙小魷魚泡浸於調味魷魚汁之中,滋味無窮,是西班牙的著名特式美食。 只採於新鮮天然食材,並由人手挑選、清洗及入罐。 西班牙式下酒小菜最佳之選, 可配橄欖、烤番茄、甜椒及其他蔬菜、低醣麵包,配以葡萄酒酒,滋味更豐富。 Keto, gluten-free, no addivites Baby squids (chipirones) canned in their own ink, is one of Spain’s unique products. Sauce is prepared with small squid ink and fresh and natural ingredients. Serve with olive, roasted tomatoes, cooked vegetable,. Great with wine.

Product Details

西班牙優質墨汁浸BB魷魚 110g

Ramon Peña Stuffed Baby Squid in Ink 110g


Keto, gluten-free, no additives


Premium quality seafood from Galicia, Spain

只採於新鮮天然食材,並由人手挑選、清洗及入罐。 Hand pick, clean, and can. 

西班牙式下酒小菜最佳之選, 可配橄欖、烤番茄、甜椒及其他蔬菜、低醣麵包,配以葡萄酒酒,滋味更豐富。

Serve as tapa, with olives, tomatoes, bell peppers. Make perfect with wine. 

成份 Ingredients: 

西班牙小魷魚 (Chipirones)、橄欖油、洋蔥、黑椒、番茄、葡萄酒、鹽、魷魚墨汁及香草。

Chipirones, olive oil, onion, black pepper, tomato, wine, salt, squid ink, herbs

產地: 西班牙 

Proudct of Spain

Conservas Ramon Pena 是頂級罐裝海鮮食品生產商。採用西班牙加利西亞、地中海及太西洋之優質海鮮,人手製作,細心保存材料原來鮮味及營養,並不添加任何糖類、加工食品及化學成份。

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